Exciting News!

Jar dumping marbles onto a white background

After a lengthy hiatus, I’m picking up the pen (or keyboard) again to chronicle a new chapter in my life: culinary school. A food blog is the appropriate place to share this adventure, right?

At the end of August, I begin a course at Johnson & Wales University (JWU) to earn a BS in Sustainable Food Systems, with a foundation in the Culinary Arts. This is a huge shift for me, for a few reasons:

  • I will be entering school again after almost 15 years, at the age of 35. Many of my classmates will have been toddlers the last time I sat in an academic lecture.
  • I’ve quit my 9 to 5 job based in Washington, D.C. and moved to Providence, Rhode Island. I’m testing out this being-a-New-Englander thing.
  • With both of the above, my finances in life are a lot less rosy. I am incredibly fortunate that I have a partner and family who support me in this endeavor; now financially in addition to on principle.

So … why am I doing this?

Because I’ve been fantasizing about doing this for the past 10 years. Nothing like the pandemic to radically recalibrate priorities and force one to face the finite amount of time we have in life. I decided that if I chugged along in my career while ignoring the more creative and sensory pursuits that inspire me, I would come to regret it.

What do I want to do with said degree?

This might sound ridiculous but this is an education in more than the academic sense of the word. I do not have a linear pathway in mind leading to a certain occupation, like becoming a chef or opening my own restaurant (both sound nice though!). I want to find what inspires me, so I approach this journey with an open mind and an open ear for advice from my peers and instructors.

When I envision what I might do after finishing my degree, I think about looking for positions in food media, especially content development for recipe sites; becoming some sort of consultant on menu development for a restaurant with a speciality on sustainability and ethical procurement; and almost certainly, inevitably, dabbling in catering. Book me now for summer 2025!

What does this mean for the Cursory Cook website?

There will be a lot more personal posts. Buckle up, you’re about to get to know me a lot better. However, I do still plan to post recipes, reflections on food news, and maybe other tidbits I’m learning about.

On the last day of my full time work, I pulled a Tarot card as soon as I woke up, like I do every day. It was the 8 of cups, and I laughed at the universe’s sense of humor. This card speaks to leaving something behind, embarking on a journey into the unknown, and it perfectly encapsulated the way I felt. It gave me confidence that the divine timing is right. While I probably won’t write extensively about it here, I am still a practicing Tarot reader and astrologer … to follow my (hopefully more active) writing in that arena, hop over to kddayton.com!

Talk soon, and if you’re stopping by make sure to leave a comment and say hello 🙂

One comment

  1. So glad you’re back and looking forward to hearing more!

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