Magical Mirepoix (and Other Such Groupings)


Just in time for soup and stew season, today we’re talking about the building blocks of a great recipe. You (hopefully) wouldn’t build a skyscraper without a foundation, just as you shouldn’t make a stew without a mirepoix. Pronounced “meer-pwah”, this combination of finely diced vegetables roasted or sauteed at the start of a recipe is a crucial element to enhancing and balancing savory flavors. It’s also a great term to drop into conversation with no context because it sounds French.

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Search for the Great Pumpkin [Beer]: Part 1

pumpkin beer

Pumpkin beer is a harbinger of the fall season, and with the micro- and nano-brewery boom in the last 5-10 years, there are a ton of different brands to choose from. I have been ambivalent about pumpkin beers in the past, my impressions ranging from “meh” to “ew this is disgusting”, but I knew there had to be at least one type out there that could be a trusty go-to during this season. As a public service, only out of my concern for your beer-drinking welfare, I sampled about ten different types and brands, and wrote about them so maybe you can find a great pumpkin beer to match your tastes, too. Read more “Search for the Great Pumpkin [Beer]: Part 1”

Labor Day Feast: A Real One This Time

In case you weren’t aware, it is Labor Day weekend, prime time for cook-outs and celebrating the last days of summertime fun (sorry if that’s a depressing thought). For a lot of kids, this means heading back to school; for a lot of adults, this means it’s time for some pumpkin beer. If you’re hosting a huge gathering this weekend or just spending some time in the company of friends or family, I have some suggestions for your Labor Day Feast!

Read more “Labor Day Feast: A Real One This Time”

Port City Derecho Common

Port City Derecho Common

Who doesn’t love a good summer storm? We experience a lot of them during these months in D.C., but there is one that stands out in recent history. The windstorm that swept through the region in 2012 is notable not only because tens of thousands were left without power for days, but also because we got a great locally-brewed beer out of it: Port City’s Derecho Common. Read more “Port City Derecho Common”

Dogfish Head’s Bier de Provance

bier de provance

The summer solstice has come and gone, but I know you’re still looking for a way to retain a sense of this sweet season’s bounty, Lillith. May I recommend Dogfish Head’s Limited Release Bière de Provence? While it’s flavor profile may seem complex, riddled with too many summer herbs and floral notes, the results are undeniably refreshing. Read more “Dogfish Head’s Bier de Provance”

Pho; an exercise in


I am a relatively recent convert to the comfort food du jour, pho (pronounced fuh). Whether you’re hungover, ill with the flu, or just need a pick me-up, this Vietnamese beef stock and rice noodle soup is exactly what the doctor ordered. The perfect bowl of pho requires hours of simmering a stock with exotic spices and beef bones, as well as access to an array of imported condiments.  Read more “Pho; an exercise in”