The Feast of the Seven Fishes

Mussels for Feast of Seven Fishes

Looking for a new Christmas Eve tradition? Trying to avoid the same turkey and ham Christmas dinner you always make? This year, while wondering how to make the meal enjoyable and grand, I decided to try a collection of recipes that would add up to a Feast of the Seven Fishes. It was messy, challenging, and a lot of fun; I’d encourage anyone to try it one year as a part of their own celebrations!

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Wasabi Kale Salad

A spicy kale salad that makes a perfect summertime meal

Kale is so often mistreated. I don’t just mean verbally and culturally; it’s also mistreated in the kitchen. Have you ever tried to serve a kale salad and found the leaves too firm and bitter to stomach? Well, you’ve been missing an important step: marinating the kale. Check out the below recipe for Wasabi Kale Salad, and witness the method and benefits of this extra step firsthand!

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Thai Fried Rice With a Bit of Spice

Every bite of this Thai Pork Fried Rice is bursting with sweet, sour, spicy, and umami flavors.

In order to deliver a recipe with a tongue-twister of a title, this post was brought to you by: assonance /ˈasənəns/ noun, “the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in nonrhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible.” Your taste buds will get an even better workout than your tongue with this recipe for Thai pork fried rice.

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Umami Sprinkles

umami sprinkles

Going vegan is difficult, especially if you’re a heavy meat or dairy consumer. But there is some fairly robust research indicating that a diet containing less animal product can be beneficial for our health and the environment. Instead of getting overly ambitious, going full-on vegan overnight, why not try incorporating some cheese, meat, and dairy alternatives into your everyday meals?

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