Uinta’s Baba Black [Lager] Beer… Have You Any?

baba black lager

Oh yes, the title game is on point today. Whether you were drawn to this review out of appreciation for nursery rhyme puns, or a sincere interest in what beers the Cursory Cook recommends, today will be a good day for you. The verdict is in, and you should definitely give Uinta’s Baba Black Lager a try.

You might be expecting a malty and strongly alcoholic taste from a beer that pours so dark, only a shade more translucent than Guinness. The scent is of all things roasted. However, Uinta Brewing, based in Salt Lake City, Utah, brews beers that have notoriously low ABV due to their state beer laws. Baba is no different, sitting at about 4%. And who could hate that name? You can’t, it’s fun to say, and it encourages learning animal sounds. Win- win, I’d say.

The flavors in Uinta’s black lager are primarily of coffee and chocolate, and I will admit, those are not my favorite flavors in a beer. However, perhaps because of the low ABV, Baba is far more drinkable than you may assume. Chocolate notes in beer can be especially rich and unappetizing with food, but Uinta has managed to keep just the right note of bitterness, making the overall product quite crisp. It  is a wonderful example of a black lager (also called shwarzbier).

In the last decade, Uinta has made the leap to brew all their beers organically. Despite this, the cost point remains reasonable. You can find Baba in a can or a bottle, and their distribution has recently spread to include 32 states and Washington, D.C. Naturally, I first tried Uinta’s black lager while visiting Utah. I can confirm it tastes great after a three-hour hike through the desert, if that’s your thing. Even if it’s not, grab a six pack and try for yourself*, because as winter draws nearer, the toastiness in this schwarzbier becomes more and more welcome!

*Don’t forget one for the master.**

**And one for the dame.

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